Rewa Rewa Bridge
Te Rewa Rewa
Taranaki Crater
Mokau Sunset
New Plymouth Foreshore
Taranaki From Racecourse
Poets Bridge
Te Rewarewa Bridge
Taranaki Summit from SOuth
Ngamotu Donkey Pump
Sugar Loaf Islands
Back Beach
Taranaki Summit From North

Member Rankings

Released ranking from NZBA of the top 20 in each rating division for the first 3 months, featured 7

New Plymouth players.

Rating points are based on previous history and are calculated from the sum of A and B points earned

Silver GM: (2,500 pts including at least 1250 A pts)  Pam Livingston 10th

Grand Master: (1,000 pts, including at least 500 A pts)  Colin Carryer 10th

Life Master: (500pts including at least 250A pts)  Lynne O'Shaughnessy 17th

Master: (200 including at least 100 A pts)  Christine Burton 9th

Local Master: (50 pts)   Karin Champion 1st, Annette Weaver 11th, John Warner 17th
